Course info

Course name, AppState Careers Performance Appraisal Q and A

Human Resources Type of course HR Employee Development

About the course

Upcoming Classes

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Bring your laptop and your questions. We'll help you get last minute performance appraisals submitted before the deadline. All SHRA employees are required to have a score submitted to the Office of State Human Resources. These scores have the potential to influence merit-based compensation. Take the time, invest in your employees and get their appraisals completed. Don't miss your last chance to get help before the deadline!


  • This workshop is perfect for those procrastinators that have put off performance appraisals until the last minute!


  • Please note: If you have not complete a performance plan, or if your employee has not completed their self-evaluation, you will not be able to work on their appraisal. If you are unsure whether the appraisal is available for you to work on, call our office BEFORE attending the workshop.


  • Emily Wilson

Please contact a course administrator for additional information.