Course info

Course name, Closing Time: Using Tech Tools to End the Semester Successfully

Academic Technologies Department (formerly LTS) Type of course Tools for Teaching

About the course

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The end of the semester is upon us, and it’s time to close it out successfully! How can you do this? Join this workshop to discover practical strategies for supporting students as they navigate the final weeks of the academic term, ensuring they end on a positive note. Explore methods for connecting course learning objectives to future work and real-world applications, empowering students to see the relevance of their education beyond the classroom. Learn how to utilize tools like Voicethread, Moodle Discussion boards, and Google Forms to enhance student engagement, facilitate discussions, and gather valuable feedback for continuous improvement. By the end of the workshop, you'll be equipped with actionable insights and tools to enhance your teaching practices and help your students thrive.


  • Explore effective strategies for helping students end the semester on a positive note.
  • Explain the significance of connecting course learning objectives to future work and real-world applications.
  • Employ various methods, such as Voicethread and AsULearn Forums to facilitate student engagement, discussion, and reflection.
  • Conduct informal surveys to gather feedback on instructor performance and course structure.




  • Suzanne Edmonds

Please contact a course administrator for additional information.