Course info

Course name, What's New in AsULearn's Summer Upgrade

Academic Technologies Department (formerly LTS) Type of course AsULearn

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🎉 AsULearn will be upgraded on the morning of Friday, May 17th 🎉

✅ YES, each session WILL be recorded. We'll send the link to the recording to everyone who registers, so sign up even if you think you can't make it!

➡️ Who should attend? Whether you're a seasoned AsULearn user, or new to the platform, this faculty-focused webinar will catch you up on all the great new improvements coming this May.

➡️ What's happening? This summer's upgrade to AsULearn is bringing over 45 exciting new features and improvements to your courses. In this 30-minute webinar we'll demo many of these features and improvements, from streamlined course editing tools and an easier-to-use gradebook, to long-requested features like a simple way to close quiz attempts that are stuck in progress. This session will provide you with the resources and knowledge to get even more out of AsULearn this summer and next fall.

(Hey, just checking: Did we mention indenting is back? And that indented content will also be indented in the Course Index? Because indenting is back, and indented content will also be indented in the Course Index.)

➡️ In this webinar, you will: • Discover the Latest Features: Get an sneak preview of the new functionalities designed to enrich your teaching and learning experience. • Find More Resources: We'll let you know where to find more self-paced, media-rich resources to learn about all the new features before May 17th. • Engage with Experts: Have your questions answered by our knowledgeable team, ready to help you smoothly navigate these changes.

👇 Hey! Click the "More information" link down here to self-enroll in our "What's New in the AsULearn - Summer 2024" resource course.

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  • Michael Vaughn

Please contact a course administrator for additional information.