Course info

Course name, Work-Life Balance: Mastering the Balancing Act

Human Resources Type of course HR Employee Development

About the course

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Balancing the needs of our work and personal lives is challenging. Through an integration of lecture, discussions, and interactive activities learn what work-life balance and work-life conflict are, address myths about work-life balance, consequences of not having balance, personal ways to advocate for balance, and ways ASU helps/supports you. Work to create a work-life balance plan of action and address potential barriers to success.

Facilitated by Stephanie Langston, Counseling Center


  • Gain awareness of work life balance myths and the importance of pursuing balance
  • Identify major sources of work-family conflict
  • Connect with programs ASU offers to enhance your work life balance
  • Create a personal work-life balance plan which includes strategies to achieve balance over the week, month, year, or their career




  • Emily Wilson

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