Course info

Course name, Introduction to Excel and Sheets

Academic Technologies Department (formerly LTS) Type of course Microsoft Office

About the course

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An introduction to understanding Microsoft Excel and its basic features with comparison to Google Sheets. Excel is a very powerful application with an interface that is not particularly intuitive. Learn your way around the interface and how it works. Create formulas and learn some of the standard Excel functions.

More information


  • Basic Understanding of an Excel Workbook and Spreadsheets
  • Navigating the Excel Interface
  • Basic Excel Formulas and Functions


  • Basic computer skills and familiarity with operations like navigating the file system, saving and opening files, using a computer keyboard.
  • This workshop will focus on the Excel 2010 for Windows version and the 2011 version for Mac. The fundamentals of Excel will apply to previous versions as well.


  • Mark H. Suggs

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