Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning for Student Success
cetlss | Admin. Dept. - University
- Derek Eggers
- Brian MacHarg
- Tracy Smith
- Lauren Davis
- Jennifer Geouque
- Lindsay Masland
- Lillian Nave
- Katie Lail
- Bryan Doppel
- Brenda Thomas
- Jessica Steinweg
The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning for Student Success is the university's lead teaching and learning resource for faculty and staff. The CETLSS is dedicated to growing excellence in teaching and learning and supporting faculty and student success. Our office provides workshops, courses, and resources covering a variety of pedagogical and technological topics in addition to faculty career support. The CETLSS Schedule at a Glance contains an overview of all of our faculty development offerings and resources for the spring semester. Our faculty champions have helped us tremendously throughout the pandemic - please feel free to reach out to them for support as well.
For more information, click here