Course info

Course name, Course Videos Made Easy: Kaltura for Beginners

Academic Technologies Department (formerly LTS) Type of course Tools for Teaching

About the course

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Kaltura is a tool baked right into AsULearn that makes the creating, storing and sharing of videos in your courses falling-off-a-log easy. No more need to make them in Zoom, send to YouTube, and bring links into AsULearn - they're already there. Whether you bring in videos from elsewhere or make them yourself, Kaltura is place to keep them right "next" to your courses that allows you with a couple of easy clicks to share them with as many courses as you like. You can also have students make videos for assignments, and yes - even in forum posts. This is one of those super-intuitive, does-a-lot tools you'll wish you had tried four semesters ago.


  • Find your Kaltura in your AsULearn course sites
  • Learn the few basics of video making with Kaltura
  • Learn the few basics of video sharing with Kaltura in AsULearn
  • Add Kaltura activities easily in your course

