Course info

Course name, Personal and Professional Resilience: A Three-Part Lunch and Learn Series about Compassion Fatigue

Counseling for Faculty & Staff Type of course Stress Reduction

About the course

Upcoming Classes

Class times are Eastern Time (UTC-05:00)

Class info 1

Mar 25 (Tue), 12:00 pm - 12:50 pm

Section Id: Resilient Systems: Organizational Practices

Location: New River Room, PSU100

  • Terri Chester


Personal and Professional Resilience: A Three-Part Lunch and Learn Series about Compassion Fatigue
Series Description: As the larger world becomes increasingly complex, so do our university campuses. For many of us, our work involves interacting with or supporting others through crises, mental health concerns and periods of stress. As we strive to be increasingly responsive as a university community, we may find ourselves being impacted emotionally, psychologically, and/or physically by our frequent and intense involvement with these situations. We can mitigate the impact of this daily intensity through the practice of resilience tools, and by increasing our own social and environmental support systems. This class will review theory on compassion fatigue and compassion satisfaction. Participants will have an opportunity to reflect and make a personal resiliency plan.  Additionally, this class will review "best practice" environmental and systemic structures that help facilitate professional resilience and longevity.

This Lunch and Learn event is part of a three-part series on the topic of compassion fatigue. Part I is titled: Personal Resilience Practices that Increase Work Vitality and Longevity.
Part I will share theory and information about what personal practices mediate the impact of “people work,” and what we can do individually to cultivate work vitality and longevity. Part I will occur on January 28th, face to face - or online, on February 14th.

Part II will occur on February 18th and is entitled: Professional Resilience Tools That Mediate The Impacts of Helping. Part III is scheduled for March 25th and is entitled: Resilient Systems - Organizational Practices That Increase Employee Retention and Work Satisfaction.


  • Assess personal vulnerabilities for compassion fatigue
  • Review "best practice" personal tools and supports for mediating compassion fatigue
  • Create a personal resilience plan
  • Identify areas of potential support and or change within work settings
  • Assess environmental and systemic which are strengths or vulnerabilities




  • Terri Chester

Please contact a course administrator for additional information.