Course info

Course name, Faculty Search Committee Guidance and Strategies for Hiring Practices

Human Resources Type of course HR Employee Development

About the course

Upcoming Classes

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Newly formed faculty search committees are requested to register (click on the "more information" link below for a memo from the Provost).

Search committee training will include familiarizing committee members with emerging practices in hiring, including outreach efforts. Participants will be able to navigate the faculty search process confidently producing a fair and defensible search.


  • Faculty inclusive hiring practices as an Equal Employment Opportunity institution.
  • Gain the necessary knowledge to lead and conduct effective job searches.
  • Understand where to find the many online resources available to AppState employees for Recruitment and Selection.




  • Lauren Davis
  • Kevin Delgado-Valentin
  • Jason Els
  • Amanda Everhart
  • Leonardo Flores
  • Kimberly Ladenthin

Please contact a course administrator for additional information.