Course info
Course name, Health Promotion - Campus Connection
Human Resources Type of course Campus Connections
About the course
Upcoming Classes
Class times are Eastern Time (UTC-05:00)
Class info 1
Mar 21 (Fri), 9:00 am - 10:00 am
Section Id: Health Promotion-Campus Connection-March 5
Location: 12 Varsity Gym, 530 Rivers Street (Visit "More Information" for location of Health Promotion)
- Carissa Kish
- Stephanie McDaniel
- Tracy Weston
Class info 2
Apr 16 (Wed), 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Section Id: Health Promotion-Campus Connection-April 16
Location: 12 Varsity Gym, 530 Rivers Street (Visit "More Information" for location of Health Promotion)
- Carissa Kish
- Stephanie McDaniel
- Tracy Weston
Campus Connections are short 1-hour meet ups at various locations around campus. These events are designed to inspire you and the students you serve to become engaged campus citizens and form lasting relationships. The investment you make now will serve you well as you continue your service at AppState!
Health Promotion for Faculty and Staff (HPFS) provides Appalachian State University staff, faculty, retirees, and their spouses/domestic partners with programs and services that help to promote a healthier lifestyle and a better quality of life. Major components of the program include health and fitness, preventive care, and outreach programs. Our facilities are available to all faculty, staff, retirees, and their spouses/domestic partners at no charge.
How to find the "Hidden Gem" (AKA Varisty Gym): If you enter the gymnasium from Rivers Street, immediately upon entering the glass doors, take the stairs (down) to your left (next to the water fountain). There is a "Health Promotion for Faculty and Staff" poster, at the top of the stairs.
If you enter Varsity Gym from the campus side, you are greeted with the Military Science trophy case. Go down the stairs (two flights), pass vending machines (on your left). Walk across the gymnasium floor (short side) toward Rivers Street. Once you are in the lobby, take the stairs (down) to your right (just past restrooms and water fountain).
- Educate employees about the programs and services available to them and the students they serve.
- Provide an opportunity for new employees to network with others.
- Encourage employee engagement.
- Carissa Kish
- Stephanie McDaniel
- Tracy Weston
Please contact a course administrator for additional information.