Course info
Course name, Making Meetings Work
Human Resources Type of course HR Employee Development
About the course
Upcoming Classes
Class times are Eastern Time (UTC-05:00)
Class info 1
Apr 25 (Fri), 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Location: Leon Levine Health Science Building Room #217
- Maria Kowalsky
Have you ever thought, "This meeting could have been an email.." Make meetings work for you, your team or your audience by learning simple and useful skills.
- Learn how to implement effective and efficient meetings whether they are in person or virtual.
- Develop purposeful ways to start and end a meeting.
- Understand the facilitator(s) role in the meeting.
- Learn how to manage meeting time wisely and stay on task.
- Maria Kowalsky
Please contact a course administrator for additional information.