Course info

Course name, Analyzing Your Data: Relational Tests

Office of Research Type of course Design and Data Analysis

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Some statistical tests, like t-tests and ANOVAs, are essential for comparing two or more groups on a variable of interest. However, many research questions focus instead on how specific variables relate to each other. A simple correlational analysis will describe the degree to which two variables move in relation to one another. Going further, regression analyses can be used to model the relationship between two or more variables and make predictions about a variable of interest. The power of these tests is evident in their widespread use in research and industry, but with great power comes great responsibility! Join us as we review these relational tests to get a better grasp on the statistical foundation and application of each.


  • Differentiate between correlation and regression tests
  • Choose the appropriate statistical test for your research question based on the qualities of your data (i.e., “assumptions”)
  • Understand, apply, and interpret correlational tests
  • Understand, apply, and interpret regression tests
  • Define the following concepts: correlation coefficient (r), regression equations, coefficient of determination (R2), predictor coefficient, line of best fit, and residuals

