Course info

Course name, AsULearn Quiz - Introduction

Academic Technologies Department (formerly LTS) Type of course AsULearn

About the course

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AsULearn's Quiz module is a powerful tool that allows faculty to create and administer quizzes online. Learn the three step process to creating online quizzes.

  1. Create quiz questions.
  2. Build the quiz and adjust the settings.
  3. Add questions to the quiz.

In addition, learn how to add user overrides if students have special needs.

The workshop will be held in Zoom.

Participants will receive a link via Google calendar prior to the webinar.


  • Create and categorize the basic types of questions: Multiple choice, True-False, Matching, Short Answer, Essay
  • Create a test: set dates, time limits, general set up, and add questions to the test.
  • Learn how to create quiz overrides for special need students who need more time


  • General AsULearn knowledge