Course info

Course name, Screencast-O-Matic - Easy Video Creation

Academic Technologies Department (formerly LTS) Type of course AsULearn

About the course

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Even with face-to-face courses, faculty often want to create short videos for courses. In this workshop, learn to access Screenscastomatic online, make a recording, post the file to YouTube, and add the link to your AsULearn site. If you are looking for a straightforward tool for creating a short video lecture, Screencast-O-Matic may be your solution.


  • Access Screencast-O-Matic.
  • Record your live video. (mic and a webcam would be needed)
  • Access your AppState YouTube account.
  • Identify the steps necessary to set up the proper privacy settings
  • Post the video link in a course.




  • Mary Beth McKee

Please contact a course administrator for additional information.