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Course name,

Academic Technologies Department (formerly LTS) Type of course AsULearn

About the course

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In this short webinar, Dr. Jennifer Buff will share her experiences with using

Remind is a real-time “text” messaging tool that allows users to communicate with groups, entire classes, small groups, or individual people. Users can write text messages up to 600 characters. Communication options include: text messages, smartphone app notifications, and emails.

For teachers, this means being able to send out messages and reminders to students. For students, this may make it easier to stay on top of assignments, deadlines, updates, and events going on in school. If you are looking to enhance communication outreach, Remind could be a beneficial tool to try.

By default, Remind uses Appstate email accounts, but students and teachers can elect to enter their cell phone information in order to receive text alerts the faculty member sends. All personal information remains completely confidential, so teachers do not know their students' numbers, and students do not gain access to the faculty member's cell number.


  • Learn more about features




  • Mary Beth McKee

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