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Course name, Kaltura MediaSpace: FunShop Connecting the Dots

Academic Technologies Department (formerly LTS) Type of course Tools for Teaching

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Thirty minutes of FunShop Friday Kaltura MediaSpace live action!

How does Kaltura MediaSpace connect to Zoom and AsULearn? Why it is important? What can Kaltura MediaSpace do?

In 16ish-minutes you will be introduced to Kaltura MediaSpace and how Kaltura MediaSpace ties into a broader spectrum of the Appalachian online pedagogical ecosystem.

We will take a quick, but detailed dive into Kaltura MediaSpace's personalized content framework, which includes media creation and repository.

The last 14ish-minutes will be opened for Q&A.

Disclaimer: This is an introduction into the vast realm of Kaltura MediaSpace and an exercise into leveraging other platforms. Apologies in advance, but this is not a "how to," but you will see demos of "how to," but not details of "how to."


  • You will understand the KMS Content Framework.
  • You will be able to connect some dots.




  • Brian Laws

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