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Course name, Creating Effective Peer Review Assignments Utilizing the AsULearn Workshop Tool

Academic Technologies Department (formerly LTS) Type of course AsULearn

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Do you use peer review in your course or are looking for a practical way to include it? The Workshop Tool in AsULearn maybe the answer you are looking for.

In this workshop we will discuss the ways that peer review can be done in a course and the challenges that many faculty face. In the hands-on portion of the workshop, we will walk step-by-step through the process of setting up a peer review assignment using the Workshop tool in AsULearn. For the best experience please bring a copy of your peer review assignment and any grading criteria that goes with the assignment. For workshops that are not held in a computer lab, please bring a laptop or let the facilitator know that you will need one.


  • Identify common challenges with peer review assignments
  • Outline ways to mitigate these challenges
  • Set up a peer review assignment using the Workshop Tool in AsULearn




  • Sarah Arrington

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