Course info

Course name, Co-PI's, Contractors-Vendors, and Consultants

Office of Research and Innovation Type of course Research and Sponsored Programs

About the course

Upcoming Classes

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Before entering into a relationship with another entity or even preparing a budget under a sponsored project in which another party will provide goods, services, or substantive programmatic work, the nature of the legal relationship must be determined. This is a significant decision because it determines the allocation of responsibilities and influences the appropriate application of indirect costs (IDC), sometimes referred to as F&A costs. This workshop will delve into examples, and checklists for how to identify an entity as a subaward, when working with other Co-PI's, hiring a subcontractor (a vendor,) or when working with a consultant. Please register today for this 1-hour workshop to learn how these entities can relate to your budget and how this information can assist you with successful project management after award!


  • 1) Learn the difference between Subrecipients, Subcontractors, and Consultants
  • 2) Understand the impacts of each entity within budget preparation and post-award management


  • None


  • Chris DeSilva
  • Lauren Duncan
  • Kerri McCaffrey
  • Vivian Meadows

Please contact a course administrator for additional information.