Course info
Course name, HIP Hooray! Boosting Student Learning with High-Impact Practices
Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning for Student Success Type of course Teaching and Learning
About the course
Upcoming Classes
Class times are Eastern Time (UTC-05:00)
Class info 1
Apr 2 (Wed), 9:00 am - 9:50 am
Section Id: 4-2-25
Location: Online
- Gigi Dillon
- Jessica Steinweg
High-Impact Practices (HIPs) are evidence-based strategies—like service learning and collaborative projects—that promote deep learning and meaningful student engagement (Kuh, 2008, Kuh & O’Donnell, 2013). In this workshop we’ll explore these eleven practices, share real-world examples, and highlight campus resources that support them. We’ll discuss ways to successfully implement HIPs into your teaching and what you can do to ensure that your students have a positive experience. We hope you leave with at least one high-impact practice you might be interested in trying!
- Explore practical methods for integrating High-Impact Practices into their teaching, supported by real-world examples and campus resources.
- Gigi Dillon
- Jessica Steinweg
Please contact a course administrator for additional information.