Course info

Course name, Introduction to Civic Engagement--Service-Learning Syllabus Workshop Hickory Campus

Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning for Student Success Type of course Teaching and Learning

About the course

Upcoming Classes

No classes scheduled


Interested in integrating service-learning or community-based research into a new or existing class? This workshop will serve as an introduction to curricular-based service-learning for faculty who have been considering adding a service component to their classes. Service-learning has been shown to improve student learning in a number of areas. We’ll cover the basics of service-learning syllabus design and discuss resources available through the office of academic civic engagement. Faculty in all disciplines are welcome.


  • Faculty will understand the foundations of civic engagement
  • Faculty will be able to name some examples of service-learning
  • Faculty will consider ways to integrate service-learning into their classes




  • Brian MacHarg

Please contact a course administrator for additional information.