Course info

Course name, Walking the Talk: Does Your Teaching Match Your Values?

Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning for Student Success Type of course Teaching and Learning

About the course

Upcoming Classes

Class times are Eastern Time (UTC-05:00)

Class info 1

Mar 26 (Wed), 10:00 am - 11:00 am

Section Id: Mar 25-Part 2

Location: Online

  • Lindsay Masland
  • Tracy Smith


February Session: In this session, participants will have an opportunity to begin identifying (or revisiting) their core values and examine how those values influence and shape their teaching, research, leadership, and service. If you are working on your annual review or other reviews of your professional portfolio, this session may help you shape the narratives of your academic portfolio.

March Session: In this session, participants will read/view excerpts from teaching philosophy statements, syllabi, assignment guidelines, graded assignments, and LMS sites to analyze how those academic pieces reflect the values of their faculty writers/creators. Then, participants will have opportunities to bring/share/analyze their own teaching evidence to see how those reflect their values.


  • Participants will use multiple tools and methods to identify or refine their core values.
  • Participants will write about the relationship between those values and their academic work and decision-making.
  • Participants will learn to analyze teaching artifacts to examine the values expressed.
  • Participants will consider how their own teaching reflects their values and make revisions to align their teaching practices with their values.


  • Recommended pre-work for March session: Identify your core values (see February workshop on values); select an assignment, syllabus, or other academic document you’ve created to analyze during the workshop.