Course info

Course name, Worst Syllabus Ever

Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning for Student Success Type of course Teaching and Learning

About the course

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Developing an inclusive, student-centered syllabus is a key first step toward creating an effective course and learning environment. In this session, we will examine a faux "bad" syllabus designed by an App State professor and her students using pieces from real-world syllabi. We'll think through which types of students might struggle with the syllabus, and why, and we'll examine alternative choices we might make in our own syllabi to set up students for success.


  • Consider how the identities and lived experiences of students affect the ways they respond to syllabi
  • Examine research supporting equitable and inclusive syllabus design
  • Self-assess your own syllabi and create an action plan for syllabus enhancements




  • Lindsay Masland

Please contact a course administrator for additional information.