Course info

Course name, Inclusive Practices in Research

Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning for Student Success Type of course Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion

About the course

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This workshop is geared towards folks in the humanities, arts, education, and health sciences who are new to thinking more broadly about their current research agendas and projects. The presenter will cover examples from her own research that illustrate successes and pitfalls of engaging in inclusive research. Examples will include cross-cultural, disability studies, and critical perspectives in systematic reviews, descriptive, and mixed research studies. Participants who have current or prospective research projects will benefit the most as some of the workshop time will be devoted to identifying specific ways of framing their research to be more reflexive and inclusive. The conclusion of the workshop will cover aspects of dissemination of findings, including ethical ways of presenting and publishing.

Facilitator: Melody Schwantes, Hayes School of Music/Inclusive Excellence, Center for Academic Excellence


  • Identify inclusive research practices in a variety of research methodologies that are rooted in equity, cultural humility, and inclusion
  • Determine specific ways of incorporating inclusive practices into their own current research projects
  • Utilize language and current best practices for dissemination of findings that demonstrate equity, cultural humility, and inclusion




  • Crystal Weisner

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