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Course name, Subtle Acts of Exclusion: How to Understand, Identify, & Stop Microaggressions Book Study

Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning for Student Success Type of course Book Club

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Although unintentional, we have all committed subtle acts of exclusion (SAE, a.k.a. microaggressions) which can alienate our colleagues, students, and friends. These actions and phrases often go unaddressed and are harmful. Join us in learning how to spot and address stereotypes, objectification, and other forms of microaggressions that separate instead of uniting.

Book: "Subtle Acts of Exclusion How to Understand, Identify, and Stop Microaggressions", by Tiffany Jana & Michael Baran

*These sessions are open to all faculty and staff. In order to receive a complimentary copy of the book via intercampus mail, registrants must commit to attending both sessions in order to fully participate.

Part One: Chapters 1-4 Understanding the definition of SAEs and learning how to recognize “the initiator”, “the subject”, and “the observer”. Ways of addressing these individuals will also be discussed. Wednesday, February 23, 2022; 3:00-4:00pm

Part Two: Chapters 5 - 10 A discussion of examples of SAEs that were directed at specific marginalized identities followed by ways in which we can all be more intentionally inclusive. Wednesday, March 16, 2022; 3:00-4:00pm


  • Identify/recognize subtle acts of exclusion in their everyday lives
  • Explain the negative effects of SAEs
  • Implement at least one way in which they can be more intentionally inclusive




  • Crystal Weisner

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