Course info

Course name, What Matters Now: A Faculty Learning Community

Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning for Student Success Type of course Professional Development

About the course

Upcoming Classes

No classes scheduled


This faculty learning community will serve as an opportunity to hold space for the things we’ve gone through collectively and independently over the last two years. We’ll gather monthly to reckon with what we’ve learned, what we’ve lost, and what we hope for as teachers, scholars, and humans.

This AppLC will utilize the Circle Way approach to facilitation, a non-hierarchical, democratic approach to group interactions. Participants will be empowered to assume shared ownership of the actions of the group as we work together to define what we need and what we can give.

Because the success of a community relies on participants' commitments to one another, the only requirements are a commitment to attempt to attend all sessions and a willingness to engage in the cultivation of supportive and brave space. This "AppLC" is open to faculty at any career stage—we welcome anyone who feels the need to "hold space."

The dates and times of our meetings will be collaboratively determined by interested participants. At this time, registration is simply an indication of your interest to participate in this community. (August 16 is simply a placeholder and is not the actual date).

