Course info

Course name, Fall 2024 Service-Learning Faculty Fellows

Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning for Student Success Type of course Teaching and Learning

About the course

Upcoming Classes

No classes scheduled


App State faculty members are invited to be a part of the fall cohort of service-learning faculty fellows. Participation in the cohort means attending workshops for two days followed by a syllabus-development luncheon. We'll spend the time focused on discussing the foundations of civic engagement, syllabus design, service-learning course objectives, appropriate reflections/writing assignments for service-learning classes, nuts-and-bolts of community involvement and the role of civic engagement in tenure and promotion. Participants receive a small stipend for attending all sessions. An additional stipend is available for fellows who present on civic engagement or their experience utilizing service-learning at a conference. Space is limited.

The Fall cohort meets Wednesday, October 2nd and Friday October 4th from 8:30AM-3:00PM with a syllabus luncheon from noon-1:00 on Wednesday, October 23rd.


  • Faculty will understand the foundations and definitions of service-learning
  • Faculty will formulate objectives and develop assessment tools in service-learning classes
  • Faculty will learn best practices of fostering parterships with community agencies
  • Faculty will learn various reflective activities to help students analyze their civic engagement assignments.
  • Faculty will learn several writing assignments appropriate for service-learning classes
  • Faculty will consider the role of civic engagement in the wider context of higher education.




  • Brian MacHarg

Please contact a course administrator for additional information.