Course info
Course name, Flipped Learning: Making Time for What Matters
Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning for Student Success Type of course Teaching & Learning with Technology
About the course
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This workshop is for faculty that are interested in exploring a Flipped Classroom approach for their courses. The Flipped Classroom, generally speaking, is where students consume content (usually through videos, articles, or infographics) before class sessions, which opens up class time for projects, individualized feedback sessions, and other collaborative work. Research shows that the Flipped Classroom approach can lead to more student engagement, increased student interactions, and better learning outcomes. Come see if Flipping your Course is right for you!
- Identify the tenets of the flipped classroom approach.
- Identify the benefits and challenges of a flipped classroom approach.
- Determine if a flipped classroom approach is appropriate for any given course.
- This course is appropriate for faculty with intermediate technological skills including Google Slide/PowerPoint and screen recording tools.
- Bryan Doppel
Please contact a course administrator for additional information.